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Celebrating One World Week: Unity, Peace, and Working Together

Written by Kristina Preidyte | 22-Sep-2024 11:30:00

One World Day and United Nations Day, celebrated on October 24th, are special days dedicated to promoting global peace, unity, and cooperation. For preschoolers, these celebrations offer a great opportunity to learn about the importance of kindness, understanding different cultures, and working together to make the world a better place. It’s a day to celebrate how people from all around the world can come together, no matter where they’re from, to help one another and share in the idea that we are all part of one big global family.

What is One World Day?

One World Day is a day that emphasizes the idea of global unity. It encourages people to think about how, despite our differences in culture, language, and location, we all share the same world and have a responsibility to take care of it and each other. For preschoolers, this is a fun way to start thinking about the diversity of the world and how people everywhere—whether near or far—are all connected.

What is United Nations Day?

United Nations Day is a day to recognize the creation of the United Nations (UN) in 1945. The UN was formed after World War II to bring countries together to talk about peace, solve problems, and help make the world a better, safer place. The United Nations works on many important global issues, such as helping people who don’t have enough food, protecting the environment, and ensuring that children all over the world can go to school.

For preschoolers, United Nations Day is a chance to learn about how people from different countries work together to solve problems and make the world a kinder and more peaceful place for everyone.

Why Are These Days Important?

Both One World Day and United Nations Day are important because they help us remember that we are all connected, no matter where we live. These days encourage cooperation, peace, and understanding between people of different cultures, backgrounds, and countries. For preschoolers, this message is especially powerful, as it helps them learn the value of kindness, teamwork, and respect for others.

How Can Preschoolers Celebrate One World Day and United Nations Day?

There are many fun and engaging ways preschoolers can celebrate One World Day and United Nations Day. Through activities that focus on unity, diversity, and peace, children can start to understand that we all share the same world and can make a difference by being kind and helpful to one another.

1. Learning About Different Cultures

Introduce preschoolers to the idea that people all around the world have different customs, traditions, and ways of life. You can show them pictures of children from different countries, teach them simple words in another language (like "hello" or "thank you"), or share stories from around the world. This helps preschoolers understand and appreciate that while people may look or live differently, we all have a lot in common.

Lesson for Preschoolers:

  • Appreciating diversity and learning that people from all over the world have unique and interesting cultures
  • Developing curiosity about other parts of the world

2. Create a Peace Mural

Help preschoolers create a large peace mural using paint, markers, or crayons. Each child can contribute by drawing a picture that represents kindness, peace, or friendship. You can encourage them to draw symbols of peace, like doves, hearts, or handprints. Once finished, the mural can be displayed as a reminder that peace and unity are important, no matter where we come from.

Lesson for Preschoolers:

  • Expressing the idea of peace and togetherness through art
  • Learning that we can all contribute to making the world a better place

3. Sing Songs About Peace and Unity

Singing is a fun way for preschoolers to connect with the message of One World Day and United Nations Day. Choose songs that focus on peace, friendship, and working together, such as “We Are the World” or “It’s a Small World.”Encourage the children to sing along and discuss how these songs celebrate the idea of people coming together from all around the world.

Lesson for Preschoolers:

  • Understanding the power of music to bring people together
  • Learning about unity and cooperation through song

4. Global Snack Time

Host a special global snack time where children can taste foods from different countries. You could introduce simple snacks like pita bread, rice crackers, or tropical fruits. Talk to the children about how people in different parts of the world enjoy different foods, but food also brings people together. This is a fun way to introduce preschoolers to different cultures through something they love—snack time!

Lesson for Preschoolers:

  • Exploring the world through different types of food
  • Understanding how food can be a way to bring people together

5. Read Stories About Unity and Peace

Choose books that focus on themes of peace, cooperation, and unity. A great example is “Whoever You Are” by Mem Fox, which highlights how children from different parts of the world are similar despite their differences. After reading, discuss with the children what it means to live in peace and how we can all help others, no matter where they live.

Lesson for Preschoolers:

  • Learning about kindness, inclusion, and the importance of helping others
  • Building empathy by recognizing the shared experiences of children around the world

6. World Flag Collage

Introduce preschoolers to different countries by creating a flag collage. You can show them pictures of different flags from around the world and help them create their own colorful versions. This activity is a fun way for children to learn about other countries and understand that the world is made up of many different nations, each contributing to the global community.

Lesson for Preschoolers:

  • Learning about the diversity of nations and cultures
  • Celebrating the idea of being part of one big global family

Teaching the Values of One World Day and United Nations Day

Both One World Day and United Nations Day offer valuable lessons that preschoolers can start learning at an early age:

  • Unity and Cooperation: These days teach children that we are stronger when we work together. Preschoolers can learn that helping others, sharing, and being kind are ways we can all contribute to making the world a better place.

  • Kindness and Empathy: By learning about children from different cultures and countries, preschoolers can start to build empathy for others. They begin to understand that even though people may look or live differently, we all deserve love, care, and respect.

  • Global Responsibility: Introducing children to the idea of taking care of the Earth and helping people around the world helps them understand that we all share the same planet. This can encourage them to think about how their actions—like reducing waste or helping others—can make a difference.

  • Peace and Friendship: One World Day and United Nations Day focus on peace, which is a valuable concept for preschoolers to learn. Whether it’s resolving a conflict with a friend or learning to be patient, preschoolers can understand the importance of being peaceful in their interactions with others.

Fun Activities to Promote Unity and Peace All Year Long

Even after these special days, there are plenty of ways to continue teaching preschoolers about unity, cooperation, and kindness throughout the year:

1. Friendship Circle

Encourage children to sit in a circle and share something nice about a friend in the group. This builds a sense of community and helps children practice kindness toward each other.

2. Peaceful Problem Solving

Use classroom conflicts as opportunities to teach peaceful problem-solving. Help children talk about their feelings and guide them toward finding solutions that work for everyone.

3. Cultural Exploration

Continue introducing preschoolers to different cultures by celebrating holidays from around the world, learning new words in different languages, or exploring traditional music and dance from various countries.


One World Day and United Nations Day are perfect opportunities to teach preschoolers about the values of unity, cooperation, and peace. Through fun and engaging activities like creating art, tasting foods from around the world, and singing songs about togetherness, children can begin to understand that no matter where we live or what language we speak, we are all connected.

These special days remind us all that by working together and being kind to one another, we can help create a world where everyone can live in peace and harmony. Let’s inspire our preschoolers to be compassionate, curious, and inclusive—values that will help them grow into thoughtful, caring global citizens.