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International day of Charity

Let's Learn About the International Day of Charity!

Hello, little friends! Today, we are going to learn about a very special day called the International Day of Charity. It's a day when people all around the world come together to help others and spread kindness. Let's find out more about this wonderful day, its history, and what we can learn from it!

What is the International Day of Charity?

The International Day of Charity is celebrated on September 5th every year. It's a day dedicated to helping others, sharing what we have, and showing kindness. People do all sorts of nice things, like giving food to those who are hungry, helping someone in need, and spreading love and happiness.

The History of the International Day of Charity

The International Day of Charity was created by the United Nations in 2012. Do you know why they chose September 5th? It's because this is the day Mother Teresa passed away. Mother Teresa was a very kind and loving person who spent her whole life helping those in need. She is an inspiration to many people around the world.

How Do People Celebrate the International Day of Charity?

On this special day, people find many ways to help others and show kindness. Here are some ways they celebrate:

  1. Giving Food: People share food with those who don't have enough to eat. Some might donate to food banks or cook meals for others.
  2. Sharing Clothes and Toys: Families gather clothes, toys, and books they no longer use and give them to those who need them.
  3. Helping Out: Many people spend time volunteering, which means helping out without getting paid. They might visit hospitals, help clean up parks, or spend time with elderly people.
  4. Donating Money: Some people donate money to charities that help people in different ways, like building schools, providing clean water, or caring for animals.

What Can We Learn from the International Day of Charity?

There are many important lessons we can learn from this special day:

  1. Kindness: Just like Mother Teresa, we can be kind to everyone we meet. A little kindness can make someone's day much better!
  2. Sharing: Sharing what we have, whether it's food, toys, or even a smile, can make a big difference in someone's life.
  3. Helping Others: We can always find ways to help others, no matter how small. Helping someone carry their groceries or picking up litter in the park are simple ways to show we care.
  4. Gratitude: The International Day of Charity helps us remember to be grateful for what we have and to think about how we can use it to help others.

Let's Celebrate!

Even though we are little, we can still do big things to help others. On the International Day of Charity, we can:

  • Share our toys and books with friends or donate them.
  • Help our parents with chores around the house.
  • Draw a picture or make a card for someone who might be feeling lonely.
  • Smile and say kind words to everyone we meet.

By doing these small acts of kindness, we can make the world a better place, just like Mother Teresa did.

So, let’s celebrate the International Day of Charity by spreading love, kindness, and happiness all around us. Remember, no act of kindness is too small!

Happy International Day of Charity, little friends!