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The UK General Election 2024: A Guide for Little Learners

Written by Kristina Preidyte | 04-Jul-2024 08:00:00

Hello, little learners and grown-ups! Today, we're going to talk about a very important event in the United Kingdom called the General Election. This is when people in the UK decide who will make big decisions on their behalf. It's like choosing a class captain who helps make sure everyone gets along and follows the rules!

What is a General Election?

In the UK, the General Election is a special day when grown-ups go to a place called a polling station (kind of like a classroom where important choices are made) to vote. Voting is when they mark a paper to choose who they want to help run the country. These papers are then counted, and the person with the most votes gets to be in charge of that area, which is called a constituency.

Who are the Major Parties?

Just like we have different teams in school for sports day, the UK has different teams called political parties. Each party has different ideas about how to make the country a better place.

  1. The Conservative Party: Often called the Tories, they usually believe in "conserving" or keeping traditional social values and traditions and a very little role for the state or government in the lives of the British people, preferring the idea that people, themselves, can make their own choices as to how to spend their money, rather than the government deciding it for them. Low tax and a small state is their general focus. Blue is their colour and their leader is Rishi Sunak, the current Prime Minister
  2. The Labour Party: This party likes to make sure everyone gets a fair share, especially those who need extra help. They believe in working together to make sure no one is left out. It was started as a socialist movement that aimed to ensure that all of the workers - not bosses - had equal rights, fair treatment and a fair wage. They believe that the state / government has a big role to play in the lives of the citizens, directing taxes to intervene to help those who need it. They tend to want higher taxes and a bigger state. Red is their colour and their leader is Kier Starmer
  3. The Liberal Democrats: Known as the Lib Dems, they work to give everyone a fair chance, making sure all the rules are equal for everyone, no matter where they come from. They have a very similar social mission to Labour, but unlike Labour, don't believe that the state or government should be as invasive in the lives of people, but that people should take a much more active role in their lives and choices. Their colour is yellow and their leader is Ed Davey.
  4. The Scottish National Party (SNP): They mostly work in Scotland and want to make sure Scotland can make its own decisions about important things. They don't want Scotland to be part of the United Kingdom anymore, but an independent country that can raise their own taxes and choose their own path without England or Westminster interfering with their affairs. Their colour is also yellow and their leader is John Swinney.
  5. Plaid Cymru - Like the SNP, Plaid Cymru believe in independence for Wales - for much the same reasons. They believe in social justice and fair treatment for all. Their colour is also yellow and green and their Leader is Rhun ap Iorwerth
  6. Green Party: The Green Party is a minority party but one that focusses on social justice and the environment primarily. It wants to ensure that all choices we make are geared towards supporting a reduction in our carbon footprint and reversing climate change. Their colour is Green and their leader is Carla Denyer

What is a party Leader?

Each party has a leader, kind of like a headteacher, but for their team. They help decide what the party believes in and speak for the party during the election.

What is Representative Democracy?

The UK is a place where everyone’s voice matters, but since not everyone can make decisions all the time, they choose representatives (or MPs). These representatives listen to what people need and try to help and sit in Parliament to discuss and debate the issues that may help people (or not). Sometimes - quite often in fact - they disagree with one another as what might help one person, might not help another. When this happens, they have to vote on what the government is proposing as a solution to decide whether or not it becomes law. This way of making decisions is called representative democracy.

How Does the Electoral Process Work?

During the election, each grown-up votes for their favorite party's representative. Once all the votes are counted, the party with the most representatives in a place called the House of Commons gets to decide who the Prime Minister will be. The Prime Minister is like the big leader of the country, helping decide on new rules and how to solve big problems.

Why It’s Important

Elections help everyone have a say in what happens in the country, from the biggest cities to the smallest towns. It's a way to make sure that lots of different ideas are heard and that the country can be a fair place for everyone.

Remember, even though you're little now, you're never too young to learn about these important events, and one day, you'll be able to vote too!

So, that’s a little bit about the General Election in the UK. It's a big job with a lot of people working together to make sure everyone has the best chance to have a happy, safe life. Isn’t that interesting? What would you do if you were in charge?