Lock Down Policy
We will use the lock down procedure when the safety of the children and staff is at risk and we will be better placed inside the current building, with doors and windows locked and blinds/curtains drawn.
We will activate this emergency procedure in response to a number of situations, but some of the more typical might be:
- A report incident or disturbance in the local community (with potential to pose a risk to staff and children in the nursery)
- An intruder on the nursery site (with potential to pose a risk to staff and children in nursery)
- A warning being received regarding a risk locally, of air pollution (smoke plumes, gas cloud etc.)
- A major fire or explosion in the vicinity of the nursery – as long as it is safer staying in the premises than leaving.
In this case the staff will be notified by the following action: The manager and deputy announcing via internal communication system Aircall / slack and directly throughout the school floor with providing location of the intruder and including words "hide the presents" this will allow the staff to understand that the intruder is in the building and lock down procedure must be implemented.
All individuals (including children) will remain in the area they are in, if safe to do so. Hatchlings downstairs will baricade themselves in the buggy storage area which provides 3 lockable doors. If the children are outside, staff are to promptly and calmly direct children into the building, if this will not endanger them. Staff will make efforts to close and lock doors wherever safe to do so.
Children within the upper floors upon notification will be safely evacuated to the back staffroom which provides 2 lockable doors. In an event of intrusion over 1 doors they can evacuate via Fire Exit to Ironmongers Hall.
All individuals will keep away from the windows and doors and children will be occupied in the centre of the room so they are not placed at risk or are able to see any situation developing outside.
The manager will ensure all children, staff and visitors are accounted for and safe before returning to the office area to keep up to date with the current situation via updates.
The manager on duty will manage the situation dependant on the situation and the information available. If the nursery is in immediate danger of an intruder, the police will be called as a matter of urgency. In other cases where the situation has been alerted by the police or local area authority then the nursery will await further instructions.
Once the all clear has been given externally the manager will issue the all clear internally. After this time the staff will try to return to normal practice to enable the children not to be disrupted or upset by the events.
Any children showing worries or concerns will have one to one time with their key person to talk about these.
Parents will be informed about the situation at the earliest safest opportunity and will be kept updated when the information changes.
After the event a post-incident evaluation will be conducted to ensure that each child and staff member was supported fully and the procedure went as planned.
Action Plan:
- Initial point of contact (i.e. any staff in contact with an intruder) will notify the staff members in the room whilst distracting the intruder
- During the notification via Aircall/Slack the initial point of contact will notify the staff of their location and include key words "hide the presents"
- The staff upon notification will ensure the children are safe and all lock down procedures implemented (windows drawn, doors shut)
- After immediate notification and upon ensuring that the lock down process is complete the staff will call 999 to immediately notify authorities of threat to the children and staff