Policy: Safe & Respectful Care

This policy should be read with our intimate care routines and outlines the professional standards to which our staff should apply when it comes to maintaining their relationships with the children in our care

Safe and Respectful Care

At Hatching Dragons we believe that all children need to feel safe, secure and happy. This involves nursery staff being responsive to children’s needs, whilst maintaining professionalism. This includes giving children cuddles and changing children’s nappies or clothes.

To promote good practice and to minimise the risk of allegations we have the following guidelines:

  • Although we recognise it is appropriate to cuddle children, we give cuddles only when sought by children needing comfort to support their emotional development. Staff are advised to do this in view of other children and practitioners, whenever possible. We recognise that there may be occasions where it is appropriate for this to happen away from others, such as when a child is ill. In these circumstances, staff are advised to leave the door open. It is the duty of all staff and the manager to ensure that children are appropriately comforted and to monitor practice 
  • When changing children’s nappies or soiled/wet clothing, we leave the doors open, where appropriate
  • We discourage inappropriate behaviour such as over tickling, over boisterous play or inappropriate questions such as asking children to tell them they love them and we advise staff to report any such observed practice
  • Staff are respectful of each other and the children and families in the nursery and do not use inappropriate language or behaviour, including during breaks
  • All staff are aware of the whistleblowing procedures and the manager carries out random checks throughout the day to ensure safe practices.

If a parent or member of staff has concerns or questions about safe care and practice procedures or behaviour they consider as inappropriate, including between staff members, they are urged to see the manager at the earliest opportunity. Management will challenge inappropriate behaviour in line with the supervision/ disciplinary or whistleblowing procedures. If the concern relates to the manager and/or nursery owner then parents should contact Ofsted 0300 123 1231 or the local authority children’s social care team:

City of London

City of London Children and Family Team - 020 7332 3621 - 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday, dccsdutyf&ypteam@cityoflondon.gov.uk 

Outside office hours - Emergency only - 020 8356 2710; emergency.duty@hackney.gov.uk

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Pat Dixon 0207 332 1215

Ofsted Telephone: 0300 123 1231

DFE counter terrorism line 020 7340 7264

Police (Non-Emergency) 101


Westminster Access Team – Tel: 020 7641 4000 (Out of hours – 020 7641 6000) 

AccesstoChildrensServices@ westminster.gov.uk

For case consultations or LADO referrals, please phone the Duty 

Child Protection Advisor in the first instance on 020 7641 7668 or email LADO@westminster.gov.uk

Ofsted Telephone: 0300 123 1231

DFE counter terrorism line 020 7340 7264

Police (Non-Emergency) 101

Canada Water

Family Early Help Duty Team

0207 525 1922


Early Help Service (EHS) Duty Manager on 020 7525 3893/2702 or LA's Schools Safeguarding Coordinator on 020 7525 2715.

Local Authority Designated Officer 

0207 525 0689 (LADO)

 Ofsted Telephone: 0300 123 1231

Police (Non-Emergency) 101