Hatching Dragons Canada Water Blog

Canada Water School Highlights - December 15, 2024

Written by Roli | Dec 15, 2024 10:39:37 PM


Dazzling Northern Lights

As our preschoolers are on the journey discovering  Scandinavia, so this week we looked a little bit closer into Northern Lights. These dazzling lights that can be seen in the skies of Norway and other Northern countries, also known as Aurora. Children explored this beautiful phenomena through various craft activities, they explored the colours through little science experiment with shaving foam as part of our STEM activity. The most common colour we can see of northern lights is green which is created by the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere, however our most favourite colour to experiment with was pink! 

Children had opportunity to learn some interesting facts about the Northern Lights, such as the location, where they occur most often, for instance in Scandinavian countries like Norway because of its proximity to the North Pole. Children took part in discussions about how Aurora looks like, our preschoolers had opportunity to use their language to describe the shape, the colours and even compared it to the rainbow. These beautiful lights and colours also inspired our art sessions, we recreated Northern light through craft activity using tissue paper, overlapping colours created beautiful hues just like the one from the skies. In the Festive Mood!

Art-Music and Drama this week

Christmas and Holiday season is almost here! Canada water nursery preschoolers are getting in the festive spirit through various activities, song and stories. They have been very busy practicing their upcoming performance - The Nativity Play! Which is coming next Friday 20th December at 4.30. 

Children also continue to enjoy other Christmas related activities, as part of  our textile learning children started to learn about knitted patterns. We looked into variety of nordic knitted patterns that takes inspiration in the landscapes and the nature. Children made their Scandi scarfs.

Christmas Jumper Day!

A day full of fun, Christmas carols singing with the children, dancing and a little photoshoot in our Christmas Grotto! We enjoyed the Christmas Jumper day with an array of cosy and beautiful Christmas/wintery Jumpers! Children were very proud showing off their festive outfits today and sharing little holiday cheer among their friends.

Amazing excursion this week - Christmas by the River

Preschoolers on a little christmas adventure into the heart of Christmas London - Hay’s Galeria and Christmas Markets by the Thames. We travelled on a double decker bus to London Bridge which already created lots of excitement.

As we were approaching the Hay’s Galeria children were captivated by the twinkling lights and colourful ornaments on the Christmas tree. As we continued our walk through the Christmas market, the biggest show-stopper was definitely the a sweet stall! A stall full of amazing christmas sweet treats and gingerbreads!

Christmas Lunch

Is there a better way to end this week? On Friday children enjoyed a joyful Christmas lunch together. This wonderful moment was about more than just a delicious meal, which was a big hit!  Hats off to our chef Param! During our Christmas lunch, children had opportunity to build a sense of community and togetherness throughout this festive occasion. It was heartwarming to see the children enjoying the meal with their friends at the nursery whilst making memories.

International Migrants Day

As part of International Migrants Day, we introduced age-appropriate ideas about the importance of welcoming people from all backgrounds. Children are naturally curious and open, and activities like reading stories from around the world and from different cultures help them appreciate diversity. We celebrated diversity as many children, their families and their teachers have roots all over the world, we took this opportunity and our teachers shared a little bit of their culture with the children, whether it was a song in their native language, a folk story or traditional dress, it plants seeds of kindness and inclusion that will grow as our children do.

Mandarin festival - Dongzhi

This week children our Mandarin teacher Jianing introduced children  the winter festival Dongzhi, children enjoyed the story time when they were introduced the festival tradition alongside the story about a little mouse about family values and togetherness of family, especially over yummy food - such as dumplings! They had an opportunity to learn some key mandarin words and learn how  to make Chinese dumplings using small resources, play-dough and real life vegetables.



Our partnership with Little Village

As an early years education and childcare institution, we put great value on helping children in need.

This is why we partnered with Little Village, an organization that helps babies and young children living in poverty all across London.

Want to help children in need? Donate to Little Village below!

Baby Room

Melting mountains

Hatchlings and babies at the nursery celebrated world international mountain day participating in a sensory mark making activity as they used their hands to explore a variety of textures. They felt the fluffy snow, the cold gloopy corn flour and small box’s as a representation of the moving mountains and ice bergs.

Building our mountains

Baby dragons explored their physical development as they participated in creating their own mountains exploring their creative and large gross motor skills. They lifted using both hands and transported blocks to form their own structures. They engaged in playing alongside their peers climbing the mountain which supports their large movement as well as their balance and hand and eye coordination.

Winter adventure!

We all are dreaming of a white Christmas, so why not let our babies enjoy some snowy fun! Children in baby room got their hands messy creating a Melting snowmen! Baby dragons created their own snowmen following on from exploring a snowy tray they explored their sensory material sticking, using a variety of materials e.g. felt, shaving foam, paint.

Snowy day for our stem activity

Hatchlings and baby dragons participated in a science experiment as they explored their fine motor skill using pipettes to squeeze the different ranges of food colouring to melt the snow,using foam and silly soap they watched the drips change the colour of the snow.

Music and dance

This week hatchlings and baby dragons have explored the sounds and music of Christmas songs as we have continued to join the festive season. We took a keen enjoyment to the songs we wish you a merry Christmas and jingle bells we used with a range of bells while singing during our musical sessions. 

Christmas activities

Hatchlings and baby dragons have participated in a range of Christmas activities they created their own Christmas trees using a range of materials e.g. tissue paper , glitter and shiny paper. They have engaged in getting prepared of our very own Christmas carol singing performance.

Extra curriculum

The hatchlings and baby dragons and preschool enjoyed a Christmas themed session with miss molly we sung Christmas songs and explored the sensory lights, musical sounds and interactive small Christmas tresses.


Holiday Clubs in the Center of London

Why our clubs are the best for the school aged children?

Read along about our fantastic and most exciting holiday clubs in central London and learn about activities, excursions and classes we provide through our specialist programs led by expert teachers!

Check out his blog here!