Reading Lush Stories & Legends
Our literacy programme does many things, but central to our approach is reading lush stories and the wonderful myths, legends and fables from around the world to embed Language and cultural awareness. We go beyond the likes of Humpty Dumpty, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Gruffalo (although they are there!) - we delve into Aesop's Fables as part of our values based pedagogy, the legends of King Arthur, Greek myths, Norse mythology, tales from Ancient China and more besides. Each month we use our regional focus to look at the children's stories of a particular culture, providing the children and staff with a rich tapestry from which our imaginations can run wild....
Our Regional Themes
Each month we investigate the people, places, plant life, animals, objects and activities of a particular region and culture. It is a central theme that allows the teachers to research the literature, myths, songs and stories; the arts, crafts and ceramics and textiles from a region; the dance forms and dramatic arts; it allows the chef to look into the cuisine for cookery classes and so much more. These regional themes are launch pads that allow our teachers to interpret and interrogate it in whatever way the children want to pursue it, starting with the stories, songs and myths of the region, we can develop it across the arts, dance, drama and more...Read on to see the book lists for each month as part of our literacy programme!

Arctic & Polar Peoples
In January, we investigate the colder climates and cultures of the world - the Sami and Inuit peoples and what life is like for the animals and peoples of the Arctic and Polar regions. It's a time for snow, ice, polar bears and penguins and how we can / should change our behaviour to safeguard the icecaps and ecosystems of the poles...

The Confucian Cultures
In February we look to the "Confucian" cultures of East Asia - China, Korea and Japan to look into their mythologies, languages and cultural traditions in the arts, cuisine and story telling. There is such magic to be found in those stories - dragons and immortals, monkey kings and kung fu...all inspiring stuff for young minds...

UK & Northern Europe
In March we look at the United Kingdom and Northern Europe - France, Germany, Holland and Belgium: the Flemish, Francophone and Germanic regions of the world, with their cuisine, culture and customs and cities front and centre to our thematic learning....

The Roman & Hellenic Cultures
In April, we turn to the Roman and Hellenic cultures of southern Europe: Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal - the wonderful food and produce that the sunnier parts of Europe produce and how the histories and mythologies of some of their greatest thinkers have given us much of what we think and do today...

South East Asia & India
As we move into the summer months, we start to investigate the Hindu and Buddhist traditions of South East Asia and the Subcontinent - the rich food, the vibrant colours and climate, and wonderful mythologies of Hindu and Buddhist legend...

Russia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia
We look to Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia in June to understand the lives of the people of the Steppes and Central plains, the slavic traditions and those of the nomadic cultures of the grasslands of central Asia.

Africa - North & South
For such a large place, one month seems too little to investigate such a richly diverse region in full. Our teachers can pick and choose a specific focus within the region to investigate with the children - the Massai of East Africa; the Yoruba of West Africa; the Berbers of the North; or the Zulu of the South, to name but a few...

Australasia & the Pacific Rim
In August, we investigate the cultures of the pacific islands of the south - the Maori, Hawaiians and Fijians; Tongans and the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, how maritime culture and history is deeply rooted in their traditions and myths

The Middle East & Muslim World
We look into the cultures of the middle east and the muslim world, from old Arabia and Persia through to the modern day, observing the landscapes and the desert traditions of the bedouin

North Americas
In October we look into North America - the USA and Canada - and their cultural traditions, stories, histories and breathtaking landscapes. We look at the Native Americans and their rich oral, agrarian and artistic traditions

South & Central America
In November, we look at South and Central America, looking at the rich diversity of custom and culture across the region, the dance forms, vibrant colours in textiles and richness of the cuisine and oral traditions. We look at the Amazon and what we can do to protect it...

Northern Europe & Scandinavia
In December, we look into the cultural traditions of Northern Europe - the Scandinavians, Vikings and Saxons, their mythologies and fables, landscapes and languages
Quick Enquiry Form
To register your interest for a call back, fill out the form below, or book in a time online with one of the team to talk through your needs....
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We'll Call you!
We appreciate that our community is busy - sometimes it's impossible to get out of work to come and see the school, at least for that first inspection. But don't worry, we've got you covered. You can book in for a virtual / online tour from the comfort of your own desk, to get that first impression of the school in action before having to bug your boss for the time off to come and meet us in person. Just book in below...

30 Hours Free Childcare
Currently a subsidy only offered to 3-4 yr old children and only for the term after they turn three, the 30 hours free childcare offer is available to working families where both parents are earning more than £167 a week but do not earn, individually, more than £100k p.a. each. The good news is that the (current) government is offering 30 hours free childcare to 2 year olds from this September (2024) and for 9 month old babies from September 2025
Hatching Dragons Blog
We keep our community up to date with activities and the best of early years methodologies and parenting tips to keep you up to date with how to be the best parent you can be...